Please allow 2-7 days for your shipment to arrive at your address, not including holiday and other emergencies special time.
Since we want to send your items to you as quickly as possible, we are generally unable to make changes to an order after it's been placed. However, you can send an email to to check the status of your order
Upon shipment, package tracking information is sent to the email address associated with your order. If you didn’t receive a tracking number, or the tracking seems inaccurate, please reach out to us at
Please send an email to with your order number.
Sometimes, a package will be marked as delivered by the shipping carrier prematurely. If you receive the delivery email but have not received your package, here is what we suggest
USPS/FedEx delivery vehicles use GPS that can automatically update a package as "delivered" prematurely. Please wait 2-3 business day, as the package could have been marked as delivered by mistake, and will arrive the following day.
We do not process exchanges, however, qualifying items can be returned to us for a full refund and re-ordered. A new order can be placed directly on our website, or email. Our team will ensure we get you in the right fit!
You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.